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What is Maidani Manja ?

Maidani Manja is Manja used for kite fighting or Patangbazi at large grounds in Hindi large open plane of land is called maidan, so Manja used in such maidans for kite flying is called Maidani Manja. 

here are a few key things about Maidani Manja.

  • Mostly such kite fighting follows strict rules and only 6 cord kite thread is allowed to fly kites and such kite thread is normally Vardhman Mills article 123 thread. This Manja is also called 123 Manja.
  • 6 cord thread is easy to break and hence prevents the hazards of accidents.
  • Restriction on the thread to be used for kite fighting keeps the sportsmanship alive in the game.
  • All Tournaments in INDIA only allow 6 cord threads and not stronger threads.
  • It’s a game of skills and techniques and not purely for the strength and sharpness of thread. so keep the sportsmanship alive and play the kite Fights.

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